ASR provides content development for your businesses, products and services. As the leading web solutions and design company based in Mumbai, we help organizations, SMEs, entrepreneurs, NGOs and others, with developing content strategy around their business goals, markets, sales objectives, marketing, communications, brands, public relations, digital campaigns, social media engagements and events.
Our content development strategy is based on following principles:

Business Information Gathering
For your business to impact your target markets, audience and stakeholders, its critical to gather, analyze and understand key pointers of information. ASR helps you to do the primary and secondary research on your competitive ecosystems including market potential, regulations, forecasting and others. These bits of information is gathered to analyze its correlation to your business goals and objectives. Thus laying the foundation for defining a content strategy for specific to your business requirements.

Business Context Content Strategy
Information gathering is refined to create a business focused and contextual content strategy with clear guidelines on deliverables. ASR believes in creating content, which is relatable, shareable and measurable, from its impact point of view. Your markets and customers should be able to recall, share and create references for your products, services and brand visibility, through your content strategy. ASR helps your business to create a refined and deliverable content strategy.

Business Focused Content Writing/Development
ASR’s content strategy clearly lays the foundation for defining content development segments, specific to your business goals, i.e. about products/services, brands, markets, customer segments, brand extensions, sales offers, marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, public relations campaigns and all other communication collaterals for your business. We create a clearly defined table of content buckets for each business objectives and goals. Along with measurable metrics for analyzing its impact on the business segment. ASR creates blogs, video scripts, video marketing collaterals and corporate audio visuals. Specifically focused on digital communication, ASR specializes in infographcis, web articles, ad copies for Facebook and other social platforms. Each content is customized to your business requirements and objectives.

Content Implementation
ASR’s expertise in web solutions, helps your business to publish and implement each communication content related to your business, across digital, social media, SEO, SEM, EDM, ATL & BTL mediums of marketing. ASR helps you to plan and develop marketing budget and implementation plan, as well as tracking each activity for specified measurable results and returns on investment.

Content Review & Analysis
ASR’s expertise in web solutions, helps your business to publish and implement each communication content related to your business, across digital, social media, SEO, SEM, EDM, ATL & BTL mediums of marketing. ASR helps you to plan and develop marketing budget and implementation plan, as well as tracking each activity for specified measurable results and returns on investment.